See why lions eat their cubs

See why lions eat their cubs


See why lions eat their cubs

There are a few reasons why lion parents may eat their own cubs:

1. To eliminate weaker cubs when resources are scarce. There are instances where a lionness will ‘technically’ kill their cub and eat it as well. This is usually reserved for instances where the cub is injured, sick, or just died. Female lions need to put their energy into the strongest cubs with the best chance of surviving. If food and conditions are poor, they may kill weaker cubs.

2. When a new male takes over a pride. New incoming males will kill existing cubs to bring the females into estrous so they can produce their own offspring. We all know male lions are cub killers, but rarely their own. When they takeover a pride they eliminate all the cubs (typically) so they can start their own family with the lionesses. Its unusual for them to consume them. This ensures they are dedicating their efforts to their own genes.

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3. Occasionally if a cub has an illness or disability that will hamper its ability to survive. The mother may kill it out of mercy or conservation of resources.

To eliminate weaker cubs when resources are scarce

4. Other times, though very rarely, if the mother feels suddenly highly threatened, she may kill and even eat cubs as an immediate source of nutrition before abandoning the danger zone. The mother may be incredibly malnourished, knowing she cant provide milk for them she eliminates them. It can also occur in first time mothers, for reasons unknown.

5. Other times, a mother will cannabalize a new litter immediately following birth. This happens most frequently in captivity, due to high stress. It also happens in the wild, often in lionesses who got pregnant immediately following a takeover. They either don’t trust the new male, it already left, or there’s still residual stress from the event.

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6. Some documented facts show that male lions can kill their own cubs, not intentional but as an outcome of violent incident. Though usually rare.

So in essence, it’s important to understand as humans that we cannot can’t relate, or completely understand, why an animal would consume its young one after death. This doesn’t mean they didn’t care or are not great mothers. Much of animal behavior isn’t relatable by humans and as such, they shouldn’t be judged.

If you observe these animals, you will understand that they are full of love, care and compassion for their cubs.

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