Are Narcissists Demonic?

Are Narcissists Demonic?


Are Narcissists Demonic?

This article is aimed as clearly answering the confusing question ‘Are Narcissists Demonic?’. Categorically, narcissists cannot be called “demonic”, even though they can manifest to a reasonable extent in harmful behaviors, using emotionally loaded language just like “demonic”

Understanding what narcissism is

Are Narcissists Demonic?

Narcissism is personality disorder which is recognized in the DSM-5 with specific diagnostic requirements.

Narcissism has different degrees ranging from mild entitlement to extreme grandiosity. However, they most intense stage which involved lack of empathy, exploitation of others, and sense of superiority could be seen as acting callously.

The most current research suggested narcissism stems with underlying issues like unstable self-esteem, childhood trauma, emotional hypersensitivity, or inadequate socialization. Although There may be biological factors as well.

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In as much as the behaviors can be very problematic, it is necessary to understand that there may be deeper wounds or skill deficits which enhance the way narcissists act towards others.

Differences between demonic possession and narcissistic personality disorder

Demonic Possession

1. This Concept is religiously and supernatural rooted in beliefs and have no room medical science world.
2. Demonic possession is belief that a demon or evil spirit has taken control over someone’s body or soul against their will
3. Person is likely to display dramatic behavioral changes they cannot control like violent outbursts, screaming, convulsing
4. Viewing this from the outside, one can rightly say that it is a non-human force overwhelming someone who is a victim or host.

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Narcissistic Personality Disorder

1. This is considered a diagnosed mental health condition listed in the DSM-5
2. Here victims can display pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and lack of empathy towards others.
3. Individuals with this disorder act around ego-centrism, self-importance, and sense of deserving special treatment.
4. This condition can stem from biological factors and underlying psychological issues
5. Though this condition is dysfunctional and harmful at times, it should be quite understood that the behaviors come from the person themselves rather than an outside “demonic” force

Similarities between some symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder and demonic possession

1. Manipulative behaviors
2. Sense of superiority and grandiosity
3. Lack of empathy for others and selfish behaviors
4. In severe cases, outbursts of anger when challenged

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Focus on the problematic behaviors and not the intrinsic character of people.
The main difference is that narcissism is seen as an internally-rooted psychological issue, while demonic possession is seen as an external force believed to have taken control over the victim. Where the later is spiritual, the former is medical. Demonic possession means that the person cannot control behaviors, while those with narcissistic personality disorder are still responsible for change. Calling narcissists “demonic” even when it is mental health conditions might result in further stigmatization.

So while both narcissists and demonic possessed people can act in harmful and selfish ways, the explanation for and nature of their behaviors are very different.

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